
Tut-All Software GmbH is a young, dynamic start-up company based in Ettlingen, Germany. We are developing solutions in the field of knowledge management. At the moment we are concentrating on tools for the electronic creation of interactive software trainings and software handbooks. Our authoring tool offers the opportunity to create interactive software tutorials, documentation material and handbooks in a simple and effective way. These tutorials can be provided internally to colleagues and/or externally to customers.


We want to enable everyone to have software knowledge. With our tool we want to make the learning of how to use a software easier and more effective. The IT-Practice-Trainer is meant to assist people in their daily work while creating interactive tutorials for others as well as for users while learning a software.
With the authoring tool up to 80% of time and effort can be saved. On the one hand this is, because creating interactive tutorials becomes so quick and producing the accompanying textbook occurs simultaneously. On the other hand learning becomes faster and "just-in-time" as the interactive tutorials are so intuitive. Having this tool gives our customers the possibility to offer software assistance to colleagues and customers in real-time. Of course every company can build up their own internal IT knowledge database this way. The reproducible knowledge from the interactive software tutorials can be played by users of any level at any time.

  • Anne Anne

    Anne Kirse our Director of Sales & Marketing handles everything business related

  • Martin Martin

    Martin Deutsch Founder and programmer of Tut-All.
    Loves to program and is putting his heart and soul into his creation.

  • Alberto Alberto

    Alberto Montero Software Developer.
    Programs the module for text recognition.

  • Matthias Matthias

    Matthias Hotz Created our website
    web developer, code guru, SEO
    @42blue | XING | LinkedIn | Web

  • Marie Marie

    Marie Louisehandles server-end implementations and maintenance
    Pharos Solutions

  • Jean Jean

    Jean Joseph is responsible for building the application server and dealing with the latest web technologies.
    Pharos Solutions

  • Martin Marc

    Marc Kheir is responsible for the "Main Part" of the editor and the document generators.
    Pharos Solutions


I want to thank my parents, my brother and his wife. Without their help this enterprise would have never been possible.

What would a company be today without being present on the web? Thank you Matthias Hotz, also for the logo! Another important person is Yves Chassein who created the first version of the homepage for me.

Last but not least, I want to thank Steffen Lutze who discussed with me night after night about the name of the website and finally came up with the name Tut-All.

However, the software would not be as good as it is today, if it weren't for the numerous anonymous helpers at StackOverflow and all the other forums on the Internet who provide the world with their knowledge for free.

Of course, I also want to thank the programmers of all the open source projects who spend their spare time, nights and holidays included to provide software libraries. Without them, I would have probably needed five more years to publish my software.

I would like to express my gratitude to Sarah Fallnich, Alberto Montero and Wolfgang Renz also. Their work has been a big support to Tut-All.

- Martin Deutsch, CEO -